Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sweet Baby

My dear sweet heart goes out to you and Jerry. I know you are missing your baby and hurting so bad. I can only imagine a little bit what the hurt must feel like. Please know we are all praying for you both and for Hayden, too. We love you.

Christmas Shopping Extravaganza!

Christmas is done. I have shopped. I have dropped. I am D-O-N-E. Which means...I can now sit by the fire and enjoy my Christmas tree and my family. I can make cookies. I can think straight. I can wait for the presents to arrive that I ordered. I can wrap them leisurely. Did I mention that I've also wrapped all of the presents I've already purchased? I know that it is somewhere around 60 because I purchased three sets of labels with 20 in each and I don't have any left. Unless there's one hiding somewhere...But the presents are under the tree. The kids are excited. And all but ONE has shipped. That ONE is for Elizabeth, and while if it doesn't get here she will be bummed she will at least understand...I hope!

Micah got his IPhone 4 today. He passed down his IPhone 3 to me. Which means that I am probably the only person in the world who has never wanted an IPhone (and still doesn't) but has one! I think that is hilarious. I really resisted him on this b/c I wanted to save the monthly cost, and I personally hate technology. But I could tell he really wanted me to have it and not sell it. So I caved. And now I have an electronic address book basically. I'm sure I'll grow to love it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

Finally...I have a minute. And FINALLY I feel like we're getting ready for the big day. Some presents are bought. The kids are getting excited...I'm thinking of the family we will see. It's going to be a good day. And I'm looking forward to that.

How's everyone else doing?