Sunday, September 30, 2007

Reflections and Cookies

"I have shut my eyes just so I would stay blind. Make me over. Make me new. Make me a mirror, a reflection of you. Take me all apart. Take me to your heart, and pull me closer. Oh, Jesus! Make me over....Day after day I get in my own way....I am only made of your imaginings..." If you have not heard this song by Natalie Grant, go purchase it NOW. It is absolutely the best song ever written in all of history.

Here is the best cookie recipe ever made, too. Go make these now and listen to your new music.
Daniel's Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 c butter
1 c sugar
1/2 c brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
3 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1-1/2 c chocolate chips (NOT a whole bag)
Mix butter and sugars, eggs, and vanilla. Add dry. Mix well. Add choc chips. 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Take out when tops are still white. Oh my!


This morning I read Psalm 111: "Praise the LORD! I will praise the LORD with my whole heart... The works of the LORD are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them." I am so delighted to be studying God's creation with my children this year. They are so very cute as Rebecca especially wants to know if this leaf or that leaf fits into "Botany".

"You fill me when I'm empty. There is nothing else. You are all I need....You are all I need when I'm surrounded. You are all I need if I'm by myself. You fill me when I'm empty. There is nothing else. You are all I need." Bethany Dillon. I love her songs.

Today we visited our friends church here in L. Their girls and ours did a very wonderful dance to "Shine". Our friend preached, and I was so touched by something he said. He spoke on Matthew 4, "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” He described the darkness of the verse was very much like our 911 except that the people stayed and occupied the land.

He talked about how Jesus will shine in your life if you have encountered Him and allowed Him to shine His light in you. He went on to talk about the evidence left behind by the disciples following Him and the evidence that Jesus had touched these places of darkness (found later in the chapter). He asked what evidence has Christ left behind in our lives? I thought about that. So many times the only thing I have left at the end of the day is frustration. Or I wake up already in despair. And then I remember that we need to constantly be filling ourselves with His Word and with prayer. If we do not do that the light weakens. Sin gets in the way, and eventually we don't even see the need to repent. I have been in that state over the past year or so. I really feel God allowed these sicknesses to draw us back to Himself. I am so thankful for the suffering. It has been a catalyst to draw near to Him. Thank you, Lord. Somehow through suffering he works His righteousness in us. We need to remind ourselves daily through His word of the great things He has done for us, the sin he has rescued us from, the person we used to be but are no longer, and the new man we are meant to be. "We are a new creation, the old is gone, the new has come." By filling ourselves with His light (the Word) we cannot help but SHINE.

"Lord, let your light shine over us...that we may have light to find our way in the darkest night...let Your grace fall over us....let Your love come over us...that we may be saved....that we may have find our way in the darkest night....Let your love come over us."

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Friday!!!

We may be sick. We may be down, but it's FRIDAY!!!

Too much time on the computer

Blaine just painted his toenails....

What I've Learned

  • I've learned to be quiet. The kids will work out their differences eventually. They haven't actually hurt each other severely (yet) as I've always feared they would.
  • I've learned to smile. It says so much more than words and takes more effort sometimes. You certainly never need to take back a smile.
  • I've learned to stay home. It is just needed to rest the body, mind, and spirit.
  • I've learned to endure some really hard times. Maybe not as hard as some, but for me it was a lot.
  • I've learned to pray. Pray when it's good. Pray when it's bad. Pray first. See the doctor or pharmacist second. Just pray.
  • I've learned a get well card means A LOT. I need to send them out more often.
  • I've learned to read my Bible. What else do you do when you can't do anything else? And what better thing to do when you CAN do something else?
  • I've learned that little things like teaching, going to the store, and walking outside are the best things in the world.
  • I've learned to lean on my friends.
  • I've learned not to be embarrassed at a doctor's office when the kids misbehave. Sad, but true.
  • And most of all I've learned that my husband will go to the ends of the earth to take care of me.

Muffins and Grumpy Pancakes

Blaine turned 5 on Friday. He was so adorably cute because this was the first year he actually planned his birthday. Turning 5 was a big deal in his mind (okay, in Mommies, too). So on Monday we were making muffins. He loves to help me mix and pour the ingredients in. Well, this time he wanted to put the batter in the muffin cups. This was the first time I had baked in quite a while and had just gotten the house cleaned up. I wasn't so keen on him doing this, so I said, "No. I think Mommy will do it because it's hard to do." He replies, "Mommy, I'm five now! I can do hard things." And he was as serious as all get out. Sniff! Sniff! Just as I thought: five would mean a few feathers are leaving the nest.

So today we were making pancakes (my fourth actual attempt to bake something this week). I was on the phone with his nurse trying to get some more albuterol. I had to stay focused on that, NOT the pancakes. We got the dry stuff mixed. We cracked the eggs in. "Yes, this is nurse Sandy. Tell me the symptoms he's having and those he's had in the past." I whisper, "Blaine, don't stir right now. Please wait..." And then loudly, "Yes, we're wanting to make sure he has enough for the weekend. What are the signs...." I get off the phone to realize he has stirred the two tiny eggs into the mound of flour mixture. "Blaine, you should have waited for the milk. Now they're going to be LUMPY."

I scurry to the fridge to get the milk and rescue our pancake batter. He cries out, "I'm sorry, Mommy!"
"Oh, it's okay, Blaine, you just need to wait when Mommy says to."
With an actual tear he cries out, "Now they're going to be GRUMPY!" I couldn't help but laugh. Just what I needed for a stressful morning full of physician and pharmaceutical calls.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Micah said the previous posts were depressing. So here is a summary: We were sick for 6 weeks. I'm feeling better now, and Micah is still hurting.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Did you know?

Did you know???...

  1. Your family can survive on sandwiches for 6 weeks.

  2. If you whisper, your kids will, too.

  3. You can watch football for two straight days with breaks for water and church.

  4. That you can spend almost $1000 in just 3 weeks on allergies and your back.

  5. That it is possible not to talk on the phone for 9 days straight.

  6. That every plan you make can be completely dashed in a matter of minutes.

  7. That it is possible to have 5 doctor appointments every week for two weeks straight.
  8. And 40 doctor appointments between two (normally) very healthy people in just a 6 weeks time span, but you will be able to do nothing else.
  9. That if you go to People's Pharmacy and tell them you have allergies they will help you.

  10. The doctor there will make you stick out your arm and test your reflexes and pressure points to see how much of an allergy supplement you need. He's kind of weird, but so far his advice works.

  11. That it is possible to make it through severe neck and shoulder pain for two weeks, a dad's heart attack, and 4 weeks of severe allergies all in the same 6 weeks.

  12. It is impossible to live life normally when you feel dizzy all day.

  13. It is possible to not clean your house for 6 weeks. is! So now you're caught up on the last 6 weeks, and you didn't have to go through ALL the griping and complaining along the way. :) Aren't you lucky?


I woke up feeling pretty good. I was hopeful of better days, and then...

Micah couldn't move. He was stuck in bed. After a weekend of mowing, standing on concrete, and playing in the pool his back was completely out. I couldn't believe it. He could barely get to the bathroom. I felt for him. He visited the chiropractor that morning, but it didn't help. The chiropractor really did nothing. All I can say is he lost a patient. Micah needed help, and he took no action upon himself to help him. He went home and rested the whole day with meds, heat, and Bio freeze.

The next morning the same. We woke up at 6 something to get him to a doc at 8:15. My internist whom I've really grown to respect looked him over. He quizzed him about many things, as he had done with me. I was amazed to see him in action but over a completely different subject. He determined that he did not have a herniated disc. He sent for x-rays downstairs at the Austin Radiological Center. He barely made it down there. Since, he has been on muscle relaxants and referred to a physical therapist that will teach him the McKenzie method. We have heard others recommend this method and are hopeful of its results. With the meds he has been able to make it to work and come home. That is all. All other moments he has been asleep. Friday he made it to Blaine's birthday party by a miracle. I am tired. Tired of all this. I have to do pretty much everything. And he hurts.

The chiropractor has since gone on and on about how he should be doing this or doing that. He ordered an MRI on Tuesday after learning that he went to a MD. He may be completely right, but he should have been right on Monday. We still have not gotten the order from his office to get the MRI. It has been a week. He has no one to blame but himself for losing a client. Micah thinks the world of him, but when you need help and can't get it you have to go fishing for yourself.


I woke up with no voice and a raging sore throat. Did you know that you can lose your voice for 9 days straight and have lumps in your throat as big as Life Savers? Well you can, and from allergies, too. So I visited the after hours clinic and was supplied with Allegra, Nasonex, and Sudafed. I had already stocked up from People's Pharmacy on some Immune boosting stuff. Did you know that it is possible to take up to 45 pills or more a day? Well it is. I had to drink tar, or it least it tasted like it. I've also had licorice root, and I don't recommend it. In just two weeks we spent almost $200 just in medications (just co-pays) and vitamin supplements. In fact when I went to pick-up my last prescription I guess we had used so many meds that the insurance just got tired of us. I was told that it would cost $143 for my Allegra med. Thank the Lord I tried to pick it up that day b/c I was starting to feel better. The day before I would have done ANYTHING.

And did you know that it is somewhat possible to run a two story house by whispering? I have learned how. And now I know why nuns fast from talking every once in a while. It builds much self-control (which I seem to be lacking today). God sustained us and carried us. My friends loved on us and watched our kids countless times. People have brought meals, driven me places when I was too dizzy, and mowed our lawn. We are overwhelmed by every one's prayers. By His grace and yet another doc app I am finally feeling better. And then...

What else

The same day as my father's heart attack I noticed I felt dizzy walking down the hallway of the hospital. I passed it off as weariness and went on. From then on I noticed it every day for 10 days. I finally went to the doctor. I was sure it was something very serious that I was ignoring. The doctor here in CP told me to go home and eat a candy bar or drink a coke when I felt that way b/c I was hypoglycemic. I wanted to smack him. He hadn't taken blood. He didn't ask any questions. He didn't even check my heart. This is the same group that another doc told me to wrap my foot for a few days after I told her it had been hurting me for 6 months. Let's see I figured that one out, too. A visit to the Podiatrist was in order.

So after the coke doctor, the next day I visited an Internist. Much better. He actually had a brain and used it. He asked me a million questions. Looked at my test results from the previous day and concluded allergies or a virus. Whew! Not too bad. I was told to come back in a week if it didn't get better. Well, then the next week I was busy. Labor day, two dentist app, two chiropractor app, and life. I felt okay. Still dizzy, but manageable. Until Saturday....

I'm Back

Well, it's been a while. Over a month to be exact. Life has been hairy around here to say the least. I have been surviving. My dad had a heart attack on Aug 18. It was so frightening. He was life flighted from my grandmother's farm in Fayetteville to the Heart Hospital in Austin. The last time I was there was when my father-in-law passed away. But somehow I knew this was different. I had peace not to worry. Of course I still worried. His heart attack happened at 12:15 in the afternoon. He was out of surgery by 3 or 4 I guess. My mom arrived around 6pm. It took her about two hours to think straight enough to pack medications and a few change of clothes. I felt for her so badly and wanted to run to her rescue. She was just too far away. At any rate he is doing well now. We were all shook up for quite a while. They are pretty sure (but not 100% positive) that he became dehydrated working out in the fields. They said more heart attacks happen from that than anything else. All he had was Gatorade. No water. It was very hot that day, and he was working hard and sweating like a horse. His overalls were completely wet two days later-head to toe. So as a warning to all of us. We need to STAY hydrated and stop and drink every 30 minutes, take breaks, and don't work in the heat of the day. Dehydration causes the blood platelets to get sticky. They begin to stick around the valves of the heart where there are cholesterol deposits. Then a blood clot forms, cutting off the blood supply. Scary. But God saved him one more time. Thank you, Lord. I wasn't ready to say goodbye, but then I never will be.