Friday, September 28, 2007

What I've Learned

  • I've learned to be quiet. The kids will work out their differences eventually. They haven't actually hurt each other severely (yet) as I've always feared they would.
  • I've learned to smile. It says so much more than words and takes more effort sometimes. You certainly never need to take back a smile.
  • I've learned to stay home. It is just needed to rest the body, mind, and spirit.
  • I've learned to endure some really hard times. Maybe not as hard as some, but for me it was a lot.
  • I've learned to pray. Pray when it's good. Pray when it's bad. Pray first. See the doctor or pharmacist second. Just pray.
  • I've learned a get well card means A LOT. I need to send them out more often.
  • I've learned to read my Bible. What else do you do when you can't do anything else? And what better thing to do when you CAN do something else?
  • I've learned that little things like teaching, going to the store, and walking outside are the best things in the world.
  • I've learned to lean on my friends.
  • I've learned not to be embarrassed at a doctor's office when the kids misbehave. Sad, but true.
  • And most of all I've learned that my husband will go to the ends of the earth to take care of me.