Things have been crazy around here. Trying to get ready for school has me in this almost bizarre state. The past 3 weeks I have written at least 40 co-op lesson plans for 5 different grade levels (that's real easy), planned & organized a supply list for 51 children of over $500 worth of art supplies, spent hours talking to other moms about them joining co-op (and figuring out how we could possibly squeeze in just ONE MORE family), and helped with a million other details regarding schedule, classrooms, etc. I have met with the pastor, met with the coordinator, and moderated about a bazillion emails. My brain is still spinning and somewhere in all of that we planned, organized, and started our own school & cleaning schedule on the 15th. Prior to that, every day was filled with what only God can remember. I feel like my brain has been crunched a million times. "Are we having fun yet?" keeps ringing in my mind.
We have attended countless birthday parties this month. The kids had two today. I really lost count. Praise the Lord sometime in the spring I had purchased about $100 worth of gifts for only $20. Still they have not all been appropriate, so we have spent countless hours at the mall or where ever purchasing Webkinz.
Between co-op, school, pre-marital counseling, small group, budgeting, and running I am spent. And I feel like the worst daughter ever. I haven't seen my parents at all since the beginning of summer. I haven't even seen any family since then. I feel out of touch...not right somehow. And I keep messing up. Everything I do feels like a mess up. It's one of those times in your life when you feel like you can never do anything right. I feel stressed and just want to relax. I cannot possibly juggle all of these balls I have picked up. And I so desperately want to open the acrobat trunk, drop the balls in, and walk away. And then I hear God say, "Don't lose heart. Take My yoke upon you for My burden is easy; My burden is light." If I could just figure out how to unstrap the one I'm carrying around.
Do you know I've had a library book OVERDUE for over a month. OVERDUE. That means I've had it for 6 weeks! I might as well buy the stupid thing.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fully Spent
Posted by tpot at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
One Word Answers
One Word Answers
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your significant other? work
3. Your hair? wet
4. Your Skin? warm
5. Your mother? sweet
6. Your Favorite Thing? beach
7. Your dream last night? stressful
8. Your favorite drink? dr. pepper
9. Your dream/goal? 5K
10. The room you’re in? study
11. Your ex? frightening
12. Your fear? loss
13. where do you want to be in six years? healthy
14. Where were you last night? bunko
15. What you’re not? organized
16. Muffins? bran
17. One of your wish list items? ipod
18. Where you grew up? houston
19. The last thing you did? breakfast
20. What are you wearing? tank
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pet(s)? everywhere
23. Your computer? fun
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? happy
26. Missing someone? micah
27. Your car? dirty
29. Favorite Store? bookstore
30. Your summer? busy
31. Like someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? pink!
33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
34. Last time you cried? lice
35. Who will/would re-post this? family
36. Whose Answers are you anxious to see? anyone. :)
Posted by tpot at 7:36 AM 0 comments