Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spoken Words

Why do I have to say stupid things? The only thing good about the movie "How Do You Know?" is that one line. I wish you could rewind and take all the words back. But for some reason at certain times when my brain is full of words it is hard or impossible or something to see how the words are gonna affect others. And then "blewpmsbkahis'aljs" I say whatever I was thinking. And then for HOURS later I think about what I just said. I even cringe inside thinking of how that person must be feeling even NOW. And then I realize I'm actually going to SEE them again and I have to decide if I'm going to mention it and apologize or let it go. If I sweep it under the rug it is no big deal to me except that I will always wonder if it really hurt them and they are secretly thinking about it. And then I wonder, "WHY DO I HAVE TO SAY SUCH STUPID THINGS?!"

the end.


Tammie said...

Please know that you aren't alone. I too wonder why I say stupid things.

Alisa said...

My feet are so short because I continue to stick my foot in my mouth.