Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Who are We Protecting?

I'm confused.  Everyone posts pics of their kids, even unborn babies they love so much. They talk about how they are the center of their Universe. Does anyone seriously think they will have a child they will not love?  Now, I said more when I was going to.  I just don't get it.  I'm not saying raising a child is always easy or the thing we women most want to do.  I've had an unplanned pregnancy.  Ironically, she was our last little caboose. And I have to say that though I didn't think I could do it, nor was I ready---God saw it differently. And He is big enough to either help moms give their child up for adoption or help them raise that baby to love Him.  No baby is a "mistake" or "whoops" by God.  The Bible says He knew us before we were born, that He knit us together in our mother's womb. Psalm 139:13  And what does this fight for rights tell our born children?  That they were the lucky ones?  But, if it had been bad timing...or bad circumstances...or the wrong person...or if the stakes were too high...they wouldn't have been good enough to survive...And do you seriously think they'll believe whatever you have to say?  Except, "I was wrong".  Thus the reason so many women suffer with untold guilt and shame.  And there IS something to that sonogram, that is why no one wants it to be mandatory.  When I first saw little Abby on that screen, no more than a little bean, all my worries and fears, doubts and immaturity went right out the window.  I was ready to fight for HER.  I would have DIED for her.  Not the other way around. I am convinced that very few women would have a different response.  That in itself should tell us something.

What about the mother who loses her baby at 20 weeks?  Does she just snuff it off?  Or, is there a funeral?  Does she need counsel and prayer, meals and condolence?  Does she remember on the anniversary?  I guarantee you she does need all of these things and will remember her baby until her days are gone.

And all along God knew He would help me, give me all that I need, and be my strength when I am weak.  And do you know she has been one of the five biggest blessings of my life?  I wouldn't trade even one day with her for the whole, wide beautiful world.  And I am certain most mothers out there feel the same, even the ones screaming and yelling about their rights.  Just try taking one of their grown babies and see what happens.

Now please know, I know women who have had abortions.  I know women who have put their babies up for adoption.  I am not judging them or anyone else, I am just saying let's use some common sense about women, babies, and life when making these legislative decisions.  These decisions could keep women, whom we claim to be protecting, from undue guilt, shame, physical harm, and psychological trauma.  Because, at the core of every woman is the desire to give and nurture, anytime we go against these natural tendencies we are not protecting women.  We are exposing them, exposing them to self-hatred, self-harm, and a lifetime of regret. What kind of right to choose is that? By the way, all these women I know are unmistakably at the forefront of "Right to Life" movements.  Do you think they changed their minds about who we should be protecting?