Sunday, April 12, 2009


Maybe it's too much Easter candy.

Maybe it's too much out-of-town-ess.

Maybe it's not going to church on Easter Sunday.

Tweedle Dumb died today (hamster).

I just feel blah. Maybe it's like Tammie said. I am such a take the bull by it's horns kind of person. I don't like waiting on other people's plans. (Which makes it hard to wait on God's plans). And I don't like the way we do school right now. I want something different. I want to change my entire perspective. But...I really want God's perspective. But, sadly I don't feel like doing all the work of reading and researching to figure out what I want to change TO. I just know what I want to change FROM. But it's a start, right? In the meantime I guess I'll roll in my blahness.


Tammie said...

I know I say this a lot, but I can't think of anything better than, "Hang in there!."
I could be wrong, it has happened a time or two, but you sound like Jesse about right now. I know you sound like Julie about this time of every school year - when she was teaching that is.
One thing I learned while in the schools is that April and May are the pits. The kids are tired of learning and the teachers are tired of teaching. In homeschool, we always had to fight spring tooth and nail - and usually lost. But we were always ready to start again in the fall.
Did this help at all? or was it yet another ramble?

tpot said...

Yes, it helped!