Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Guess What???

There is a small-ish chance that I will have the baby on Monday! My doctor will be swiping my membranes at 9:45 on Monday morning. Sorry for the gruesome details, but I don't think any men read my blogs. Micah and I will need to find someone to watch the kids, and we will stay downtown to see if anything happens. We are praying and crossing our fingers that it will. I'm ready to get this baby out! Secondly, it will give my poor husband so much peace to have this thing sort of planned out and over with. So, everyone can pray for Monday!


no_iffer said...

Yay!!! I so hope you have that baby on Monday! I can't wait! Keep us posted! :)

Cindy Stokes said...

That's not really so gruesome a detail, because it sounds Greek to a man, I'm sure. If you were to describe what that meant, then they'd be offended. I'm only excited for you. That's exactly what my doctor did for me 6 years ago yesterday and 6 years ago today, we had a sweet little girl born. We'll be praying!