Sunday, May 2, 2010

Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?

I just finished a Renaissance costume for E. It took my mom and I 22 hours to finish it. My mom put in a good 7 of those hours. Thank you, Mom! 7 of the hours were spent just cutting out the pattern! No kidding. It was 16 yards of fabric, and if anyone is familiar with sewing you know that is a heap load of fabric for one dress. I will post pictures as soon as I can. Elizabeth is playing Portia in a neighborhood play of the "Merchant of Venice". I am so excited for her. She has memorized tons and tons of lines. If anyone wants to come and see the play it is at the end of the month. I can email you a place and time if you're interested. Rebecca's in it, too, as a servant/singer. The best part is that the whole dress only cost me $27 with tax. The fabric store had fabric on sale for $1 a yard and I grabbed some. Now! I am off to my castle!


no_iffer said...

You're amazing! I cant wait to see it take lots of pictures! And i ABSOLUTELY cannot wait to meet Abigail! Cannot wait!!! Get there early on mothers day! :)

Tammie said...

Will you send me the dates and times for the play? Jess and I would love to go!