Sunday, May 2, 2010


We went through a difficult time two weeks ago when we thought we might need to pull Rebecca out of her gymnastics classes. We prayed about it and Rebecca felt she wanted to look into other gyms. So we did. We went on Tuesday night and observed girls at a much higher level than she. I was sitting in the balcony watching and chatting with a friend about the gym. After the class the coach had Rebecca try out to see what level they would place her at. I found out from talking to my friend that the gym was fun and not so big on form. They move their girls up levels very quickly. As a result Rebecca's form was far better than any gymnast in that room. Not surprisingly they recommended she move up a level.

When Rebecca stepped on the floor everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her. My friend commented, "She's good!". I wondered at this since all she had done was a salute. At this gym they don't do a salute before beginning. Her presence commanded attention from everyone on the floor. I watched in awe as she performed her routine. It was not perfect by far. The coach even showed her a few things. But the difference between her and the girls in the class was light years. And that is not an exaggeration. You could tell she was serious. She did not smile but her body looped and straightened the way a gymnasts body should and you could tell she was happy by what she was doing. Those other gymnasts looked like overcooked spaghetti. At that moment I knew I couldn't and shouldn't send her there or anywhere else. Doing so would mean giving in and giving up for Rebecca. She would digress. I realized how much her coaches have invested in her and how hard they have worked to make her as good as she is. It would be like sending an Olympic gymnast back to a beginners class (not that Rebecca is at that level but I am talking about the level at which they work). I said nothing to her as we left. But on the way to the car she said, "Mommy, Coach Andrew says bad gymnastics hurts his eyes. Now I know what he means." Later she told me that she could see that the reason they say all the things to her that they do is to motivate her to do better. So, I think something clicked inside for her.

So, we called the head coach and asked to meet with her. She gladly met with us and we had a wonderful talk about how Rebecca is doing and where she is struggling. We brought up the things that we were concerned about, and she set our mind at ease and explained things better to us. I was so glad we did that! So, thank you so much for praying! I think we all learned a valuable lesson. I for one realized that we are involved in a program that is turning out true blue athletes. We did not realize we were signing up for that and that is why it has been a difficult transition for us. We just started going there because we loved the head coach so much. And I think we also learned that if you want to be really good at something you have to make a lot of sacrifices and put up with a lot. But at that moment in the other gym I was so proud of her and realized we had made the right decision. All those times of tears and heartache have been worth it for her to be what she is today.

As confirmation the Lord put a sinking feeling in my stomach that I could not shake. I stood at the desk and they asked me if I wanted to sign her up. Two years prior I had tried to sign her up at that same gym but had the same feeling in my stomach. I ignored it. I couldn't find my debit card. I came back the next day and signed her up. We walked in the door at home and there was a flyer in the mail for the gym she is at now. Her favorite coach's picture was right on the front and she got so excited. Thankfully the gym gave us our money back. So, when I had that same feeling again this time I listened and told them I'd have to talk to my husband. The funny thing about is that it all seems just perfect. The owners are Christians, they homeschool, it is a fun place to be. But as I said I knew we weren't supposed to be there. So, we are putting our nose to the grindstone and continuing on. Rebecca realized on her own that she either needed to quit completely or continue at her gym. She could see that going to any other gym would mean giving up. I was amazed at this.