Friday, June 6, 2008

Sadness and Spunk

I have just spent two hours crying over that dumb movie Steel Magnolias. Why do I watch that sad movie? Now I can't go to sleep. I'm up thinking about how much I love my family and don't ever want anything bad to happen to them. It's Friday night, I'm supposed to be asleep.

I just have to tell you all how very much God has blessed me again this week. A new mom has been added to our co-op who will take over one of the art classes. And let me tell you she is a complete God-send. At our first meeting she whipped out a list of fun art projects that related to Texas History, which the kids will be learning simultaneously in co-op. I was astounded. I am horrible at those fun idea art projects. I'm better with the skill stuff. I feel ALMOST guilty because I've hardly lifted a finger to do anything for next year. But you know, I have carried this art program for two years, and I am so glad to see God put some spunk in it.


Tammie said...

Ugh! I hate it when I have watched something right before bed and then can't get to sleep. Or worse, when I have been working on a project and end up too wound up to sleep.
Sounds like this new lady will be a God send. With her fun factor and your technical expertise, you should make a great team.