Monday, June 30, 2008

This weekend I attended a home school conference with various friends. I convinced Micah it would be best for me to go two days. I really didn't need to buy that much and had a very small budget of $30. But I knew I wanted to hear at least two workshops, browse leisurely, and be free to talk to whoever I wanted and for however long. Last year I had only one day. It was horrible to see someone and scoot on with only a nod. I left that weekend feeling like I didn't make the best of it. I saw so many of my wonderful friends and chatted my head off. It was great. We went to this great Argentinian restaurant in downtown A. We had chocolate creme broulle with peppers. Wow. That's all I can say. Gotta try it.

I heard so many great talks. So many. One wonderful man named Andrew Pudewa (if only you could hear the sound of his name it would make you feel so much better to say his name over and over) spoke about teaching writing. It was beyond fabulous!!! The best since Chris Davis. Oh, I miss his talks. I cannot contain all that I learned in my wee little brain. I love home schooling. I feel like I'm going to school again and learning so much more this time.

I heard this lady speak on neurological deficiencies. It about scared me to death. Not only do I have issues but a few of our children might as well. Oh well. What would life be without neurological deficiencies??? I mean, really.


Gema said...

Are homeschool fairs just the best at getting you all inspired about homeschooling all over again. I mean, they come at the end of the year when you are tired and wondering why in the world you are doing this and thinking about how you could have all day to yourself, yada, yada, and so on and then you get to the workshops and meet with other homeschoolers and it is like you know, you just know THIS IS WHAT I AM MEANT TO DO! It is all just so exciting. And I am like you---I loved learning all over again, only this time finally getting it! I would not trade my homeschooling days for anything. I am so happy you had such a good time and that you took two days. IT JUST DOES TAKE TWO DAYS!!!