Thursday, July 24, 2008

Great news. Today I totally and completely forgot about lice. I had an amazing quiet time with my Lord: thus the post below! And after that we went to Ross, TJ Maxx, and the mall until 5:30. We ate pretzels and coke and Panda Express. Elizabeth tried on clothes, Rebecca and Blaine played with toys. And I had fun. I spent every waking moment on the kids. We did everything for them, and it was marvelous. I gave each of them $10 to spend for no reason at all, and they spent it or at least most of it. We found toys on clearance for 99 cents at the Disney Store, and we bought random things that we did not need but only something we wanted. I purchased two books on clearance that look to be excellent. One for me and one for Micah. We smelled candles at Yankee Candle Co. while it poured sheets of rain outside and scoured our favorite stores for deals. It was a glorious day!

Then we came home I did the dishes, washed r's sheets, and made dinner. Tuesday we received in the mail this wonderful natural lice remover kit. Friends of mine have raved about it as well as reviews on the Internet. It is pricey at $57, but worth it if it works.

Well they have this nit dissolver stuff that dissolves the glue that holds the nit to the hair. so I thought yesterday I'd go ahead and try it for insurance purposes. Remember, I found no nits on the comb Monday and Tuesday! Well, immediately I was pulling out nits left and right; at least 10 in all. These were not visible to my eye or the light; I was impressed. Not nervous though that another lice had laid any eggs. These were too developed, and believe me no lice has a chance of survival in this house. We have all become commando. Plus they were all over her head, not concentrated in one area. So that goes to show that the glue dissolver and the comb are amazing, and it has no harsh chemicals to top it off. The pesticide stuff freaks me out.

I just sprayed her hair again tonight with the nit glue dissolver and picked her hair again with the terminator looking comb (I've never seen the movie, but I thought it sounded like a good analogy), and I found no nits. I can't even put an exclamation mark there; I am so tired. But I am glad and relieved. I am super confidant that if we didn't get every nit this time we came pretty darn close and as close as close can get. I spent well over an hour yesterday and today combing out every strand of hair. I cut her hair the first day of lice, so it is pretty short and doesn't take as much time. What am I saying??? I've become immune. It will feel so weird to comb her hair in only 1 minute now.

So the next question...when do I give up? Should I comb her hair again with the nit comb or just leave well enough alone?


Gema said...

Wow! I am just now catching up on blogs after weeks it seems. What a war you have been in with the lice. Sounds like you have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. You poor thing. What a battle you raged! What a trooper you are! I am so glad you had this nice fun day for all of you to get away from it all. I am so sorry you were going through all of this. but so thankful that you found a natural cure that works. Uh, maybe you should check for some rosemary shampoos instead of weariing the bush on your head..... Love you and miss ya'll.