Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This week

All, please pray for my dad. He has been back home for a few weeks and really starting to feel a lot better since last week around Thursday. A few days ago he realized he was having a lot of pain in his leg and his arm. He went to the emergency room and they only looked at his arm but released him giving him another antibiotic. Well, he is already on an antibiotic, so he didn't even have it filled. He went to his regular doctor yesterday, and they looked at his leg. He has a small blood clot in his leg, a 2 on a scale of 1-10. But of course, no blood clot is good. They put him on blood thinners. This was surprising to my mom because they said he should be just fine since he is so active and already on aspirin daily. This time he forgot to have them look at his arm. Could you all please pray for him? And for me? And for my mom? We all need peace. Here it is 4 am, and I cannot sleep.

"Which of you can add one hour to his life by worrying?"

My mom feels frustrated because she wants him to take responsibility and remember these questions he needs to ask the doctor, yet I know how it is to walk in there and forget to ask something major. Also, I am praying for her to be informed because she needs to know a certain amount of information to be able to take good care of him. Please pray for her because she is wearying of the daily task and the many things that keep coming up.

So many things trouble my mind. I was denied life insurance. Somehow that is so not comforting! They said my cholesterol levels were too low. Don't even think about googling that because it can scare you pretty bad, which is part of why I can't sleep. I have never had my cholesterol screened before and am just kicking myself because my midwife is always telling me to do it. Micah's dad thought perhaps I had it done with some blood work last year, but I remember I did not fast and I am pretty sure you have to fast to have this done.

Next, my next vein procedure is on Friday. I am calling it a procedure because it helps me have a lot more peace. "Surgery" is just too major of a word for me right now. But you know what happened last time I was scheduled for a procedure on Friday? My dad went into ICU that Thursday before. So, I am on pins and needles. Health should not be such a major concern for someone at my age. I feel I am doing so much to be healthy, yet I know I could do so much more. I have really focused this week on losing weight. Having a stomach virus has helped that considerably! But at any rate, I am just very aware of the need to take care of myself not only for now but for later.

Signing off.