Sunday, July 18, 2010

Squeaky Wheels

Had a dream that has kept me up. Thankfully I went to bed at 8:45, so I am well rested. Can you imagine going to bed that early? I vaguely remember the children coming to tell me goodnight.

Don't you hate dreams that keep you up? You wish you could change the end or write the rest of it so you could GO TO SLEEP!

My mom came to visit. It was so refreshing to see her. We went to lots of places, which we hardly ever do. We went to the mall, the spicy pickle, to a play, and mardel's. Have you been to the spicy pickle? It's marvelous! Probably not good for the waistline I'm trying to shrink, but it's GOOD! Everyone must try. I love the Italian sandwich.

I took her to a play my friend wrote about bunko. It is hilarious, and if you live in this area it is still showing on Sunday I think around noon. It's bunko, ghosts, and margaritas. I've seen it three times now, and I just love it.
Did I mention Abby has officially said "mama"? She says it all the time when she's sad. Soooo cute! Nothing like that to melt mama's heart! She sits up a little by herself, too. Sooooo sweet. That girl just smiles and chubs. So much chubbiness. Oh my! This weekend we couldn't even get a 12 mo. outfit on her, and she's 6 mo. old! I think it was the way it was made, but still!
I've been exercising a lot every day. I think that is why I'm so tired. I took an hour and a half nap yesterday, too. And still went to bed so early.
Watched Blaine play basketball yesterday. He is so incredibly cute. Every time he made a shot he'd look over to me. I tried to hoot, clap, and smile like a fool. Boys have such a conquering instinct don't they? Got to have our attention and our encouragement. Lord, help us! I think he made 7 shots. Can you believe that? Once a boy let go of the ball and instantaneously he whizzed around and grabbed it. Suddenly he had the ball. It all happened in a flash. They're not allowed to "steal", but he said the boy let go of it and he grabbed it. He must have an eye like superman because the whole thing happened in the blink of an eye. I know I'm biased, but I think he could really end up being good at this. Elizabeth and I sat on the wrong side of the court and in the background I kept hearing other parents say, "number 9....". That's my boy's number! No one on the other team that I could see had that number. He's just so precious. Half the time he looked like a monkey, out there running around like crazy trying to get the ball from someone. And you know what they say, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
This is for Aunt Jenny. Now don't freak out. Elizabeth and I were talking about letter writing. She wrote a letter to a friend and the whole thing was ONE PARAGRAPH! I about freaked myself. But I calmly tried to point out her spelling errors and SMILE. And then she brought it up. Whew. I was trying to tread carefully, you understand.

She said, "I just change thoughts so quickly. It's kind of weird."

"Yes, that is why people use paragraphs," I said calmly to her.

Later on in the day she was reading and she says so matter-of-fact, "Oh, you're right mom. They change paragraphs when they change thoughts."

She WILL be taking a writing class this year I might add. What the heck have we been talking about for the past three years? At least I was able to make my point to her without her feeling hit over the head.


Tammie said...

Lol! Not only did you make your point without hurting feelings, but you got a "Your Right." Can't do better than that!