Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I've Had A Wonderful Two Days...

No sickness, and one of my friends just delivered her 11th child. Yes, I said 11th! Her 6th child, who happens to be 6 came and stayed two days with us (just during the day). He was such a delight as blaine and he played non-stop for two days straight. This entertainment provided me with time to bake, relax, play games with the girls, and help them with school. We have watched so many fun Christmas movies that I usually don't take time to see. But since I have been staying home, it has provided me time to enjoy these wonderful luxuries.

I feel so blessed this year with the ability to give homemade gifts to my friends. Usually it is not until I leave a friend's house that I realize I should have made them some cookies for Christmas, but for whatever reason God has given me grace this year to realize beforehand that it will only take a minute or two to whip something up. Unfortunately this has provided me with a few extra pounds, because a baker must sample her goodies for authenticity.

We still have many, many things to do to get ready for Christmas, but alas payday is not until Friday! We must wait until then to finish the job. And then we will join every other Christmas-crazed person who has waited until the last minute! Oh, well!*