Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well...the brakes are on for now. While I was waiting for my test results (the doc wouldn't prescribe anything without them), I realized I want to check into the root causes of this so-called depression. Can you tell I feel great today? So, I have done quite a bit of research to discover that the adrenal gland, the thyroid, and hormones can all cause fatigue, foggy mindedness, and depression (among many other things). I wondered, "What if this is God's way of preventing me from getting some horrible disease b/c I woke up and paid attention?" You see when I look at the checklist for disorders of these glands/hormones I pretty much fit the bill. I'll spare you all the details. Let's just say there's enough information. Not to mention that my mother and grandmother also had problems in these areas. My mother thinks she contracted diabetes because she did not take her thyroid medication regularly. At the time she didn't understand that these things were connected or how important it was for her to stay on the meds constantly. I mean who knows, she may have gotten it anyway, but an untreated thyroid, adrenal, or hormone can lead to many diseases including diabetes. The solution?

My blood work came back normal...surprise. But he only tested 2 of the 4 TH panels. I don't have the guts exactly yet to ask him for a referral elsewhere, like to an endocrinologist. But if I have to, I will. But I have one more step to make first. A nutritionist/naturopathic physician at People's Pharmacy is going to help me. She was the first person I talked to that actually had a PLAN already in place to take care of these symptoms. Everyone else was kind of like, "Duh...I don't know." Not to down doctors and medical professionals, but come on guys, this is your job. She can do a saliva cortisol test that will measure 5 types of hormone and adrenal levels 4 times throughout the day. It will also measure DHEA. Don't really know or care what that is. Just sounds smart, doesn't it?

She won't be able to prescribe medication if I need it, but she will be able to tell me exactly what I do need. She'll also tell me how fat I am, that should be fun, and how that affects my health. It should be loads of fun! She will also do a thorough blood screening of my thyroid (thank you), my hormones, etc. Sound kind of hokie? They have helped me countless other times, why wouldn't I get their help in this time of need? And, this morning I was on my face asking God for answers. Just anything, please. I want my life back. Is it snowing yet? Sorry, I digress to It's A Wonderful Life. Anyway, the saliva cortisol test has been proven in every other country to be a valid way of showing hormone levels, but not many doctors here accept it yet.

So...I'll keep you updated. It could potentially take a long time b/c they measure the levels on day 19, 20, or 21 of your cycle.

Guess which day I slept all day and couldn't lift a finger? Day 19.
Guess which day I couldn't get the dishes done in the morning? Day 20.
And guess which day I went to the doctor b/c I couldn't take it anymore? Day21.
Somethings up, but I don't know what it is. Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?


Tammie said...

keep us posted! I want to know what happens. I may just go see this woman myself.