Monday, May 4, 2009

Catching Up

So I guess I didn't miss the whole month of April. That's good because I thought I had. We are deep in the trenches of the end of the year! We have...AWANAS awards, the co-op showcase, gymnastics for parents, and a hip-hop performance. And! We're keeping up with school. Wow. I'm tired.

My garden is beautiful. I am pleased as punch with it. We have already enjoyed some lettuce, radishes, and spinach. I just kept looking at it thinking, "This came from a seed!" That's incredible to me! I guess I'm easy to please. Everything is growing, growing, growing, EXCEPT the basil. I am about to give up and purchase a plant. Because...a girls got to have her basil.

My marigolds are starting to bloom, and again I just gape at them in wonder. How could an itty-bitty tiny seed produce something so absolutely amazingly beautiful and colorful? And it actually grew! In my garden!
All my sunflowers have come up and my morning glories. I can't wait to see purty blooms on them, too. Cami decided a hole needed to be where I planted giant marigolds and cosmos, so I don't expect much there. But they have sprouted none-the-less.

Lastly, I found a WONDERFUL math curriculum that I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. And so do the kids. That's just perfect.

I had a wonderful birthday filled with a trip to the Outlet Mall (found some Crocs for $5!), my dear friend Maura, dinner out to the Olive Garden, Round Rock Express, my parents, and my fabulous husband and kids. It was so over-the-top fun!


Tammie said...

Wow you have been busy! Happy belated birthday! I'm glad it was a good one.
I almost invited you guys, but it was already Friday and I didn't think you would be able to make it last minute. Next year, you are definately on the list!

no_iffer said...

So glad you posted! :) And I'm so jealous of your gardens! Maybe someday I'll grow mom's green thumb. And happy Belated Birthday - I'm glad it made your day!