"You have probably heard about how pregnancy can leave you more absentminded and preoccupied. Recent study conducted at a British University indicates that there is no such correlation between pregnancy and a woman's absentmindedness. In fact women have been conditioned to believe that pregnancy impairs their critical thinking and concentration abilities so much so that when they make a mistake they blame it on their pregnancies hormones for these errors."-Pregnancy Calendar http://www.welcomebabyhome.com/newsletter_weeks/fetus_week_17.htm
Get real! BEFORE I even knew I was pregnant (and obviously the thought hadn't even crossed my mind), I had:
- left the stove burner on ALL evening (I have NEVER done this before and was appalled that I did so).
- purchased several things at the grocery store I didn't even remember looking at.
- felt like I was walking around in a total haze. I was scared to even drive because I felt like I wasn't paying attention.
- left a candle burning when we went to the store (appalled again).
- it took me forever to remember to purchase something at the store even though I was going specifically for that item.
Come on people, get a grip and put some sense into your pea brain heads! Okay, I got that out. I feel much better now. Who wrote that? A man most likely. Humph.
You get 'em Tania! Give that Never been Preggers Man a swift kick in the pants.
You tell 'em! What a dumb article. Too much science and not enough reality.
And, uh, Micah might have inherited his book addiction from me so don't be too hard on him....
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