Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Filtered Light

I got to spend about an hour drawing yesterday and hoping for more of the same today. I've never realized how happy it makes me. I never want to take the time to sit down and do it because it takes so much time to accomplish anything. So I always talk myself out of doing it. But I realized as I was drawing that I couldn't stop smiling and I couldn't stop praying. I think smiling and praying are two good enough reasons for something to take so long.

I am surprisingly starting to miss the kids. Something about mom's post today. I just can't wait to hear their stories about BB guns and bow and arrows. I hope they don't forget one thing. But for now I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. It is so amazingly different without them here. So quiet. So peaceful. Did I already say that?

I did also manage to read yesterday for an hour. I am working on a homeschooling book called "The Language Wars" by Ruth Beechik. It's actually an education book as it could be used for any educational method. It is extremely encouraging and just what I need as we gear back up for school.

Micah and I went on another date last night. We hadn't had one in 3 months, so I guess we're making up for lost time. Afterwards we went to BBB and purchased some curtains for our bedroom. I was so excited! I couldn't believe it took us this stinkin' long. We really shouldn't wait for every 12 years when the kids leave the house. It's really okay to do these things when they're here. It's just so much easier when they're not! They look really pretty. We need to add two more panels and a scarf, but for now it's much improved from what it was---nothing. This morning I slept later (6:35) as the light came in filtered and just so lovely. We felt like we were in a hotel or something.

This morning I shampooed the carpet. Not an exciting thing to do, but it needed to be done. And it's easier when no one is here to step on it. Eventually the carpet will need to be replaced, but this is all I can do for now. Our next project...painting! That may have to wait until this weekend, but we'll see. I spent the rest of the morning at Wal-Mart picking up a few things for our guests on Thursday and some more organizational stuff for the house. Now it's time to rest.


Micah Swanson said...

I really enjoyed our dates baby. When can we have another?