Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I cried about gymnastics tonight...AT gymnastics. That was fun. I then cried all the way from there to Elizabeth's dance class. I sat in the parking lot waiting for her to get done and cried while all the parents walked by to pick up their girls. People tried not to stare as they passed by. I tried smiling to cover it up. I came home with red, puffy eyes making my son and husband wonder what in the world had happened from the time I left home until the time I got back.

I asked a mom from gymnastics to possibly drive me Saturday to San Antonio to the meet. It's just too much for me, and I don't want to get labor pains again. It's too scary. You would have thought I'd asked her for her son to marry my daughter. She's going there anyway...Oh well. All I can figure is that maybe no one has ever done anything nice for her. I even offered to pay for all of the gas to get us there and back. I mean really, what's wrong with this lady?

And then I made the mistake of asking the coach if the meets were mandatory. I told her my situation and what happened last time. She then asked if I couldn't carpool with anyone. Salt in the wound, thank you very much. And then I started crying wondering how in the world I was going to manage to get her there because I just knew I couldn't do it again. And then I was mad at that lady. Stupid really. But I was. I kind of thought she liked me and might be considered a friend. I don't know. I'm too used to my wonderful friends here.

My mom is taking me. Yeah for our wonderful moms! That really makes me want to cry! I love you, Mom!!!


no_iffer said...

oh, dear me! What a day! I'm so sorry for all the tears! And for the silly friend that isn't helping and for the overwhelmingness of everything! It's just a crying kind of month, September is. Come on, October! :)
love you!