Thursday, October 1, 2009

Already Here

"We must never allow our children to believe in a God who is distant and uninvolved, who comes to the rescue only when He hears our cries in prayer. The Bible presents God as someone who is near and active in our lives. The psalmist says that 'He is an ever-present help in trouble' (Ps. 46:1). There is no divine 911 telephone line because God is already here and already active. There is never a moment in which God is absent or inactive. There is never a situation, location, or relationship that He does not rule.....God is near. God is involved. This moment is His moment, where He is actively accomplishing His will. The thing that is most important in this moment is not what we desire, but what He is doing." -Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens, Paul David Tripp

"He is an ever-present help in trouble." The verse really struck me in a different sort of way. I needed to hear that for this week, this time. I feel sometimes every day with my teenager is a battle. Not every moment, just that there will be some battle for her soul and our relationship at some point in the day. How I handle the battle is of utmost importance, even more important than her reactions to me, even more important than respect or obedience or a teachable heart. I desire these things for her, but she is only just beginning to learn what it means to be an adult, and I cannot hope to see these things for a while. And the most important thing in the moment is not what we desire (ie: obedience, respect, teachable heart) but what GOD is doing. If I could just get my arms around that.

God is already here. He is already in the situation at work, in me, in her. He is here this morning accomplishing His purposes in my son, my daughters, my husband, and me. That is amazing.