Tuesday, October 20, 2009


We now have a room for the baby. I cannot tell you how much absolute peace this brings me. We moved Blaine back to his old room (Rebecca's room) and moved Rebecca to his room (the large one). Thank goodness with a little cash and Spider Man we were able to make the pale blue work for Blaine. Because I absolutely could not paint another room! We painted the large room lavender, or at least I should say Micah did. I was in there doing something that whole time, but I don't know what exactly. It looks so nice. I even got the closets painted a little. It makes such a difference to the state of my mind. We don't have the crib set up, but just knowing everyone's stuff is where it is supposed to be is HUGE. I also drug out all the baby stuff that has been donated to us that we won't be using. I have it bagged up and ready to go to LifeCare Pregnancy Center. Everything looks so much better and ORGANIZED. Ahhhhh. Can you hear the sigh of relief?

Next....I am measuring at almost 29 weeks. I have been measuring several weeks ahead of my due date for a while now. So, I get to have another sonogram in two weeks to check the baby's size and the amniotic fluid levels. So, please pray. I don't want to have a huge baby. Not because of pain or anything. Just because I know this is our last and I want to enjoy her as much as possible while she is little (not that I want her to weigh 4 pounds or anything either). I just love that wrinkly newborn look. It is so precious and tiny. I also of course don't want anything to be wrong with the amniotic levels or anything else. My doctor didn't seem concerned, she just said she wanted to have a sonogram. But I really don't know her well enough to read her anyway. I'm hungry.