Friday, October 30, 2009

Howdy Ya'll!

I'm 27 weeks, and the baby weighs just over 2 pounds! How cool is that?

I've wanted to do this post for sometime, so here goes...

"You Know You're in Texas When":
1) It's 78 degrees outside and you see old ladies in coats at Walgreens.
2) Everyone walks around with goose bumps when it's 85 and windy.
3) There's a drought yet it rains every other day.
4) There are no orange or yellow leaves. They just turn brown and fall off.
5) We get excited and break out the hot chocolate for our first cold front. It reached 58 degrees... at midnight.
6) You shop for your Christmas tree...donning shorts.
7) Your kids start praying in October that it will at least be chilly when they pick out their tree in December.
8) You serve up your favorite fall soup...when it's 95 degrees, the coldest day of the week.


Amber Lichtenstein said...

haha! love this post! Sorry about no comments! For some reason my blog list isnt updating? It said that you havent posted for three weeks. Weird, huh? Cant wait for the baby shower! Are you registered anywhere?