Thursday, October 15, 2009

Broken Dreams

My dear, sweet friend miscarried her baby this week at 4 months. It is difficult to explain how I feel. I cannot imagine the sadness she must feel. I hesitate to blog about it because often she will read my blogs, and I do not want to make her feel sad or exposed. But blogging is the place I feel safe to write about everything on my mind and heart. It is sort of an anonymous way to get things off my chest, to lay it all bare. Not blogging about such an important sadness would not be true to myself or our friendship. She means a lot to me.

The hardest part has been seeing her sadness. Not many people in your life will allow you to be a part of their sadness. It is a rare occasion, yet when it happens we pray for grace to know how best to comfort.

That is all I feel I need to say about it for now. I feel deeply for her and pray for God's rest and healing. I pray I can be some small comfort for her. I love you, my friend.