Monday, March 29, 2010

Mad on Monday

Why do I feel angry on Mondays? Some of you know I've posted about Wednesdays, but now I'm ready to unravel Mondays. Sunday can go wonderfully, we can have the house cleaned, and I can have accomplished all on my list. But Monday comes and I frantically try to make the stuff on my new list happen. And it doesn't...And kids get angry...They fight...I struggle to get them up and going...I have to remind them of everything they are supposed to be doing...we try to have a family quiet time...I get angry...there's nothing to eat...I stay in my pajamas for hours...I finally get a bath. Tell me this time will end. One day they will have to figure out their own breakfast. One day I will not be responsible for their schoolwork. One day.

I think I'm angry because I want things done MY way. I want a lovely home where the children all come down at a certain time ready for their quiet time. Breakfast is served because the children or mom has already made it. There's three kinds of jams or jellies and fluffy biscuits with eggs cooked just right. Fresh milk and fruit are laden on the table. After breakfast the butler comes to clean it all up so we can get started on those history books we have yet to read. That doesn't happen at your house either? Oh, good, well I'm not alone!

I must treasure today and not worry about what doesn't get done.

Okay, the good things. I must think of the good things. They get their schoolwork done while I'm in the shower. They get the dishes done, too. Somehow we always find food. And then today, Tammie's post made up for it all. I just died laughing, and that's what I needed. See "All Creatures"...

Then I got to see a smiling friend's face. She needed a vacuum cleaner. God bless her. She's soooo pregnant, and I was there not too long ago. She'll have her baby on Wednesday, my bad laundry day. They'll be moving to Montana in a few months, but for today I got to see her smiley face.


Tammie said...

Just wanted to let you know that I was trying to put a funny spin on my crazy Army antics. I was not offended that you laughed. Actually, I am glad that it made you smile!
Monday's stink for me too. Everyone needs everything and they need it right now! It's like they left their brains at home to rest, but just assume I brought mine to work. Yeah Right!
Hang in there! This too shall pass.