Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm feeling Better

It's taken me a couple of days to shake the sadness. But I'm doing better. I watered the dead lawn and flowers. That made me feel better. I guess I thought, "at least I tried." I'm planning a baby shower for a dear friend. Everything's monkeys, and it's so cute! I'll give more details later when she may not be reading this!

Micah and Elizabeth are painting her room. I haven't done a thing! Can you imagine? I didn't know this were possible. I thought my family was only capable of painting with my help. This sheds new light on the living room could get painted without me!

Looking forward to seeing family next weekend. Rebecca has a meet today. I won't be going, but I'm excited for her.

Anybody want coffee? She's selling instant coffee for $30 a box. It's expensive but it contains ganoderma mushroom. Sounds gross, but you really can't taste or see mushrooms in your coffee. I think it's pretty darn good, and I hate instant coffee. Apparently, it makes a difference to spend a little more than on Folgers. (Which I really like Folgers for regular coffee).

I'm rambling and don't really have much to say. But my depression helped me see a few things around the house I want to do like paint, buy lamps, and possibly get a headboard. Oh, we HAVE to have more flowers around here.

That's all.


Tammie said...

I hope you know how dear you are to me and Jesse! So glad you are feeling better. And getting anything painted always makes me smile. Can't wait to see you!