Thursday, May 29, 2008


I did it. I decided to invite others to take art lessons from me. It was so hard to click that SEND button, but I did. And within 10 seconds a friend called telling me she wanted her kids to take lessons, and then within 1 minute an email came. And then later today another email came. So...that is exciting. I'm a little nervous about how this will all pan out with my schedule. I don't want to overload myself. I double checked my prices just before sending the email. A nearby art school charges $35 for 3 hours for a group of 12. I'm charging $9 for half the time, and the groups will be much smaller. I feel that's reasonable. we gooooo!!!


Amber Lichtenstein said...

Congratulations! It sounds like your going to be having lots of fun soon haha. I love the balet photo you added to your blog. Id love to go to one of elizabeths show someday. Imsure shes awesome. Best of luck with the lessons!

Tammie said...

Wow! You've had a busy couple of days. Comgrats on both your art school, the birthday party supplies and the Honda repair. When God lets it rain, He sometimes makes it pour. Yipee!

Gema said...

I think it is wonderful you are teaching Art. I am sure it will bless you as it does your students. And, wow, I am so excited that Honda will pay for the transmission. Yea, God! You are having a good week!