Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm frustrated that seemingly good things can take so long. Have you ever noticed how long it takes a flower to bloom? Or a tomato plant to grow a tomato? Or a child to stop throwing tantrums? And before you know it the flower is wilted, the tomato is picked and eaten, or the child is grown and married. That is how I feel. Sad. Today I'm just sad.

Lord, help me to live today for you. Not worrying about what tomorrow will bring. Help me not worry whether we will meet this or that goal. Help me not miss the many days you've already given me just waiting for "the day when...". Help me to see YOU.


Tammie said...

I feel like that sometimes, too. It keeps me from enjoying the now. It makes me regret the past for all the time I wasted. Pooh! Lord, Help me to enjoy the blessing you have given me- now.

Gema said...

I know just what you mean. It is so very easy to lose today worrying or dreaming about tomorrow. Trust me, you will look back and wonder why you worried so much over such trivial things. Live in the moment and treasure each day for what that day brings. (I am preaching as much to me as you). I am so guilty of doing this--of looking forward to something and missing what is taking place right now in front of me. And not trusting God to take care of my tomorrows.
So, Lord, we all need you and love you and ask for your help to remind us to treasure each moment of this life you have blessed us with and we give you all of our tomorrows and thank you that you are there always watching over us and guiding us and that you will never forsake us. Thank you, God.