Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Party Plates

Rebecca decided to have her birthday party next Monday night. She's been telling me for months that she wants her birthday party to be on the Queen's Birthday (New Zealand). I half heartedly listened but honestly was probably totally focused on something else. You know, that always come back to bite.
I hadn't purchased or even looked for her party plates and invites. You know what that means....Party City didn't have the prized Littlest Pet Shop theme. I was on hold at Wal-Mart and HEB too long to make it worth the call. I looked online, and to get them here in time I would have to pay $13 in shipping for $10 worth of merchandise. So we decided we would decorate the plates ourselves, which really translates that I would decorate the plates. We went to Wal-Mart on a whim because I needed to buy fruit and other groceries. Well, of course you will believe this, but they had Littlest Pet Shop party supplies! I was so excited. And Wal-Mart is so much cheaper than even Party City. In fact a few years ago I made a declaration that all party supplies would be purchased at Wal-Mart. Well, I'm glad I stick to my guns. :)