Friday, November 16, 2007

Please pray

I realize there are tragedies everywhere. Yet when one happens close to home, how do you deal with it? Two days ago a two year old girl was hit by a carpet cleaning van just down the street from us. She didn't make it. A friend's husband is a fire fighter and tried to resuscitate her. Yesterday morning he was having a hard time with the whole thing. The neighbors weren't actually the family, they were the babysitter. So sad. He was leaving. The babysitter and the little girl were unpacking groceries. The mom looked away for a second. Just a second. The man was young. Friends said he was sobbing on the news report. He had no idea. I pass by that house every morning. It is a stone's throw. I saw the carpet cleaning van when we left to run errands. I saw the ambulance when I returned. I never prayed. I always pray. But this time I didn't. It has impacted so many. Co-workers. Friends. Neighbors. We are all feeling the grief. The sadness. A small cross and bear are in the front yard. How do they go on? Please pray for these families that have been so heavily changed. Pray for their recovery. Pray for them to know God's love. Pray for all of us to get through this. It has shaken so many. It is hard not to think of your own. Hard not to over-protect. Hard to offer them to Jesus again and again.


Tammie said...

OK. You just broke my heart! I am so sorry. Of course, I will pray. Like you, I try to pray every time a see an ambulance or firetruck go by with it's lights blazing. There are times that I wonder if it is just a silly thing, since I don't know where they are going or why. Thank you for confirming that it is always right to pray when you hear the siren and see the lights.

no_iffer said...

I have no words. This story certainly makes you appreciate. I am praying.

Max said...

Father, only you can bring healing to the hearts hurting from the death of this little girl. Touch each life in a unique way, that those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will come to know Him.

My heart hurts most for the young man who was driving the van. I do not know if he is saved so I pray for this man's salvation. I pray for him to be deaf to the lies satan may be trying to whisper in his ears. I ask Father that you send your Holy Spirit to comfort him and to show him your love.

Thank you Father for the beauty that you will bring from this tragedy. Amen

Gema said...

Oh, Tania, what a heart wrenching tradgedy for all concerned. My heart aches for all of them--and yes, I will pray for all concerned. Surely God will bring goodness out of all this sadness.
I know as a young mother how this must affect you. Whatever would we do without God to trust in and lean on and to go to.
I remember when Josh was a toddler a similar accident happened not far from our home here and a boy his age was run over and died while the mother was out of town taking care of her ill mother and the daddy was watching him. I did not even know them but it just tore me up inside.
I am glad you shared this so we can all pray.