Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thank you

Thank you to all for your sweet comments. I feel so loved! I'm not mad at anyone. I'm just trying to do better about letting others know that I need something, but not expecting them to fulfill it. So, I hope I didn't make any of you feel that you MUST comment. But I DO REALLY FEEL LOVED!!! So, thank you!


no_iffer said...

Yes, comments do make a person feel very loved. I hope to see many posts in the future, miss tpot!

Tammie said...

I'm glad you brought it to our attention. I think we kinda forget that we don't know when someone has read our blog or how it made them feel. It has made me more aware of commenting on other's blogs too. Thanks!

Gema said...

I am glad you spoke up. Right before I read this I had booted up and checked my blog after days of being away and saw no comments and I was so deflated and sad.....then I realized that I was not online so I was looking at it right after i posted. I felt so happy when I connected and saw there were several comments. I felt loved and not forgotten. I must admit I love reading all the comments on the blogs as much as the blog.
And I will look for pods and all sorts of things. Just hope I do good with the leaves. What about pressing them between wax paper??