Here are four videos on MSG that everyone MUST watch. It will take you about 30-40 minutes, but it could save your life. Each one gave me a new piece of information I had never heard before. It is worth the time! MSG can cause a whole list of diseases (including obesity) in infants, children, and adults. MSG and aspartame are known as excitotoxins because they over-excite the brain.
MSG/aspartame can be disguised as:
monosodium glutamate
whey protein
casein or caseinate
hydrolozied protein
soy protein
autolyzed yeast (extract)
natural flavors
soy lecithin
wax on non-organic fruit!
protein isolate
soy protein extract
soy protein isolate
aspartic acid
*This is not a complete list, just the ones I have gleaned.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
MSG...The Taste That Kills
Posted by tpot at 10:19 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Make Me a Sanctuary
Secondly, I don't know how to say it without bursting with pride. My artwork is hanging up in our new church! How else can I give God glory except to beam with joy and surprise? I feel so honored. I feel so amazed. It seems so appropriate when thinking of my entire life on some kind of timeline put together by God. NOT that I deserve it or saw it coming; quite the opposite. What I thought was going to be a little blip on my radar of things going on this week has really surprised me. It somehow feels like a huge, monumental moment for me. I didn't know the work was going to be going up. I thought maybe they would hang it up in a couple of months, but they went ahead and chose it right away. There were so many better pieces that could have been chosen, but God chose mine! What does this mean? I fear and think it means He wants me to do more. Oh boy.
Without going into a long ordeal...
I look back over my life, and I think about what the Lord has done in me. I went from Christian to hell scum and back to Christ again. He did that. There is no other explanation. When I painted that painting I was not following the Lord, in fact I was probably as far FROM God as anyone could be. I haven't done much since then. In fact I have struggled with, "What does God really want me to do?" How do I give Him glory? How do I begin?
But how appropriate that my "coming out" would be through the church. That He would take this work that symbolizes a time when I was trying to fill myself with everything to fit His space in my heart, redeem it and HANG IT UP. Wow. That amazes me. Sisters, He truly can use the dregs of our life to glorify Him.
My work has never been so professionally matted, framed, and hung before. (I did have a showing upon graduation, but it somehow lacked the spark because it was not a Christ-centered gallery). I don't know. I am just elated that God would choose me to display His splendor in His beautiful new building.
Thank you, God.
Posted by tpot at 2:35 PM 1 comments
2 More Resolutions
With the encouragement of all you racers out there (bikers and runners) I completed my first 5k race this morning. It wasn't anything hair raising, but I enjoyed it immensely. My dad came out with me. It was so fun to enjoy it with him. He walked/ran b/c of a bad knee. But I was so proud of him for giving it a try, and he ran much farther than he thought he would. I hope he feels okay. In fact it only took him an additional 12 minutes to finish!
It was the Frost Yer Fanny race out here in boondocky texas. With a WHOLE 23 runners or something! Woohoo. Let me tell ya they really came out of the bushes for this one. There were an additional 200 or so that competed in the duathlon later, but still...23 people? Let's just say I felt minimal pressure.
My time was a little slower than usual b/c I was kind afraid of overdoing it and not finishing. My main goal: to run the whole way, and I did it! The path was wide enough for two runners, but luckily I only had to pass once. The terrain was mulch and large rocks. Probably not the best choice. Let's just say these people were inexperienced race coordinators.
Race snaffoos included:
1) "You both owe us an additional $10."
"I already paid $25 online a few weeks ago."
"Yes, but we just found out this morning that everyone has to pay $10 for a membership to USAT."
2)"I'm sorry we only take a check or cash."
"I have neither. Will you take a debit card? It says right here you will."
"Only if you are purchasing a yearly membership."
"Dad, can I borrow $10?"
3)Talking to my dad who has run about 25 races and has a closet full of t-shirts to prove it: "We'll be sending your shirt in a few weeks."
Dad: "Blink Blink".
4)Our "packet" included a number and 4 safety pins. Yep. That's a big time race right there. I bet that took them months to put together.
5)Where will the race be starting? It's a really big park.
Staff: "Blink. Blink...we have no idea."
Dad's funniest comment about the whole thing: I was coming back from the restrooms and asked if they had the pre-race talk.
"Yep. They said, 'The race has been called off. We're sorry, but you just bought a really expensive t-shirt."
I'll post the next resolution above.
Posted by tpot at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Worth It
Ladies, thank you all for writing me such sweet thoughts on my discouraging day! I really needed it! I was talking through our week one night with Micah. Crying. Sobbing. Ready to give up. I mentioned to him that we had started praying in the mornings. He said, "That' what's wrong! The enemy is just attacking you for doing this." I knew he was right, but I kinda didn't want to believe it. But somehow my recognition of the very fact broke something in all of us, and we had a wonderful day Thursday and Friday, even with a prayer time. Let me tell you those were some excruciating days between Tuesday and Wednesday!
Last night rebecca was talking to me at bedtime, and she said she had something she wanted to talk to me about. She confessed she had been treating her friend meanly, and that God had showed her that during one of our quiet times. I was sad to hear of her sin, but honestly about to jump for joy right through the roof!
"You mean, all those hard days were worth it? You mean all those tears and frets and worryings weren't for naught? You mean GOD was actually DOING something in all that?"
I was amazed. My friends, even in our weakest points (dare I say: BECAUSE of our weakest points) God is at work.
Am I ready for this week? Surely not. But, with God's help I can be.
Posted by tpot at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Swing Low
I am so frustrated today. We are back into school full swing, but no body is swinging. In fact I am completely frustrated. Frustrated that we never have enough time to do everything and we work ALL DAY. I've dealt with a million bad attitudes and I wonder why in the world am I doing this? I know this is a temporary lack of faith, but deep down I am really very angry. Angry that my kids can't be more disciplined and that they just can't be appreciative. I had to pull the kids with cancer card today. Yep. It's gotten bad. So bad in fact I'm thinking we need to visit St. Jude's on a regular basis. I don't know where it is in the country, but I'm sure we can afford a weekly trip to visit the children.
And to top it off I ordered school books from some lady over 3 weeks ago, and I haven't seen hide nor hair of them. I put a call in and she didn't call back. What does this mean? Is she just some lady that sends homeschool emails hoping to lure as many moms as she can to fork over $140? Oh, where are my books? I just feel so disorganized without them.
Posted by tpot at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
One or Two Resolutions Down...
A few hundred to go!
This weekend I was actually able to accomplish a few things on my list.
1) An inexpensive bedspread for my bed...found it at Garden Ridge for $19! Bed skirt, pillow shams, and a comforter. Done. Even labeled the same color as the paint on our walls.
2) New cotton sheets for our bed...$20 from HEB. I'm such a bargain hunter.
3) New chair for our living room...$299 from Garden Ridge/$100 off. It's a chair-and-a-half. Micah's broke, and his back has been killing him. This was a collection of all his birthday money and a portion of his raise. This was a huge answer to prayer in that we shopped around the sale flyers only to find that places like Ashley some how miraculously no longer had the great deals on the floor that they advertised for. "But we have these other chairs over here that cost 3x as much. I'm sure you'd love these." I wanted to smack her; of course we love them.
It was so exhilarating using cash to purchase the chair. I loved pulling out $300 and handing it to the lady. So awesome. I also really believe it kept us on track at the other stores to not spend more than we planned on. We said $300 or less and we stuck to it! Yeah God. So now the living room somehow magically has all come together. We both feel really pleased with the way it looks and feels. Extraordinary!
So now I am done shopping and need to go back to save, save, save. Somehow I have learned to like both.
Posted by tpot at 9:26 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Today was the first day back at co-op...
I am so tired. I only taught one class. I only THOUGHT about ONE class. Instead of FIVE. Yeah, that said FIVE, and "no" I did not get paid to think about FIVE. It is a free co-op. But until now it has not been a co-op, truly. One of the other art teachers took over my 2nd art classes, and I gave up the other one that I co-taught. And, I asked for all the teachers to be completely responsible for all their art supplies, room set-up, and clean-up. And then, today I felt guilty. What is wrong with me? I must have some serious hang-ups.
I was going crazy fielding questions and writing lesson plans for FIVE different classes. I am capitalizing that to remind myself of the absurdity of my hang-up. That is FIVE different preps, grades K-9th grade. What was wrong with me? No wonder everyone loves our co-op so much; they could drop their kids off with minimal work. We did it all for them. The science teachers, the art teachers, the drama teachers. The FIVE of us did everything. They may have had to help in a class or two and even lead a class. But we prepared the lessons, the scope and sequence, and the syllabus. We figured out all the supplies. I think I'll drop my kid off there, too. Where can I find one?
So, today I could tell a few people were miffed that they had to work a little harder. And I felt guilty. But you know, oh well. I about crashed and burned last semester. It's time for someone else to crash and maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe they should just really count the cost of a good co-op and realize it's not all tap dancing. It's a lot of dad gum work. And I'm not doing it all anymore.
It was so lovely. I could think clearly. I could answer questions in a logical fashion. I was on time, and I brought all my supplies. I even remembered the drying rack that had been in my garage for months that we had paid $140 for. Wow. It's amazing what an uncluttered mind can accomplish. Praise the Lord for change. I really needed it.
Posted by tpot at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm Posting...
some interesting thoughts and tidbits on my nourishing blog. Some of you might be interested....
Posted by tpot at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I was wrong...she's up to my mid-forehead. Or, am I just shrinking? Do you realize she just has two or three more inches to catch up with me?
Posted by tpot at 3:36 PM 1 comments
Kids are Growing Up
Elizabeth has grown this week before my very eyes. She is up to my eyeballs now. Can you believe it? The days are slipping away so fast! Heeeeeellllllpppp!!!
Yesterday I asked Blaine who his friends were. Thoughtfully he answered, "Maria, Sarah, Cassum, Tyler, Mason, Grant, Granny, Popo, Ge-ma, Papa Don, Uncle Johnny, Evan, Judah."
"What about Rebecca and Elizabeth?" I ask.
"No, mommy, they're my sisters!"
Posted by tpot at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Yes, we should all keep each other accountable. Everyone had such good ideas that I, too, want to amend my list. But alas, I should keep it the same so that I actually accomplish something! I'm just excited for everyone and the wonderful year we are all slotted to have.
I am currently working on withdrawing cash and eating my fruity snacks. :)
Posted by tpot at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
This year I will...
- Teach my children
- Teach art at a co-op
- Do art for ME
- Spend time with friends
- Run
- Clean my house
- Read a book
- Knit a scarf
- Play with my children
- Read to my children
- Finish the curriculum we started
- Start new curriculum
- Go swimming
- Go on a summer vacation
- Spend time with family
- Watch Blaine play flag football
- Make sure my children can read fluently
- Watch Rebecca do gymnastics
- Watch Elizabeth's hip-hop performance
- Teach my children to spell
- Read lots of email
- Write letters and thank you notes
- Tell people when I can't do something
- Help others
- Connect with my neighbors
- Lose weight
- Replace the bathroom faucets
- Fix our van window so that it no longer whistles
- Buy different living room furniture
- Decorate our bedroom
- Replace the linoleum in the powder bath
- Paint my living room
- Play games with my husband
- Date my husband
- Appreciate my family
- Love my mom and dad
- Spend time with God
- Teach my children to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength
Just needed a few happy thoughts!
Posted by tpot at 7:44 AM 2 comments
Reflectively Draggin'
I have woken up two mornings in a row at 6:30 to see micah off to work. I have been so tired afterwards that I eat and go back to sleep for a few hours. Must be nice, eh? What's wrong with me? This weather just makes me want to curl up and sleep and sleep and sleep. Yesterday I literally accomplished nothing, and I think it was wonderful but I'm not sure exactly. I just missed micah so much after him being off for over 2 weeks, and I feel overwhelmed at the thought of starting school. I'm just tired. I miss running in the morning, but I'm really enjoying running with him. I just need a shift in my thinking or my psyche or something. I think this AM I will go for a short walk/jog and do some weight training. I need something to get the blood pumping and get me going today.
As I am writing the kids come upstairs and talk to me. Though I get irritated I am constantly reminding myself that this will not last for very long. That in itself sends me into a tailspin. What if they are not smart enough to function in this world? Will I accomplish everything scholastically for them? Lord, help me.
I read back over all my journal entries for 2008. There weren't very many, so it didn't take long. Apparently I only journal when I am in desperation. It reflected so much of how I feel today. Money problems, school doubts, co-op frustrations, overwhelming house chores, running ambitions, weight loss goals. I thought I could have written those entries this very morning! Though overall I do see the Lord's hand in all of those areas. We have paid off a good chunk of debt and Micah got a raise, even though I fretted for weeks about school the kids learned a lot, last night we completely restructured co-op so that I only have 5 lessons left to teach (and hopefully one class instead of 3), and the downstairs is as clean as it can possibly be. But I ask myself why is it that after 13 years of marriage we still do not have a headboard or a nice comforter or sheets without holes in them? It is difficult sometimes for me to prioritize where the money will be spent or how it will be saved.
And then I think of the children in other countries who barely have any rice to eat or a warm blanket. Then I just get quiet and thankful.
Maybe this will be the year that I am inspired to decorate our room on a small budget but make it look like I spent $10k. Maybe this will be the year that we somehow find an awesome deal on great living room furniture at some garage sale or resale shop. Maybe. I often wonder if it is so wrong to want to make my house look nice, not to spend a lot of money, but just to make it pretty. It takes so much to set up a house and keep it going. We spent 1 1/2 hours talking to our couple we mentor about finances. I hope that some inkling of what we said got through to them. I hope.
Well, for now I will go and stop depressing everyone. I need to go get some endorphins running.
Posted by tpot at 7:17 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I'm with tammie. My feet are just draggin'. The only thing hustling is my exercise routine, but it is still in need of a little raz-a-ma-taz. I'm excited to say that Micah and I have been running/walking together. That has been so fun for me! I just pray that with him going back to work we can continue the magic.
I really don't want to start school tomorrow. I am truly draggin' about that. I'm in total denial. I really want to move to Tahiti.
The only thing encouraging is that we did manage to remove all signs of Christmas from our house this weekend. I was so depressed thinking of taking it all down that I forced myself to do it. I vacuumed everything in sight except the top of the fire place that will require an extremely tall ladder. :) I polished every piece of furniture until they literally squeaked. All signs of Christmas and December Dust have left the premises. And, now, we start another year. This Christmas I somehow want to have all my Christmas money saved and ready for December so that I don't have to wait to December 20th to finish all my purchases. That was nail biting.
As Tammie said, I do have a goal of losing weight, but I didn't post that. Last year I managed to lose 8 pounds and kept it off. This year I would like to lose 20 pounds, but do you know how discouraging that sounds to me? I don't even want to talk about it. And that's bad because that scares me into thinking it won't happen.
Our pastor spoke today on how 80% of Americans will give up on all their resolutions by Valentine's Day. So, he said, you should choose ones that are possible to accomplish. "So, I've decided to quit smoking," he said. The whole place roared with laughter b/c of course he doesn't smoke! Lastly he said you should have someone help keep you accountable to make sure you accomplish your goals, "So," he said, "this year I'm going to have the police keep me from speeding." I so understand his sentiments. So many years I just don't WANT to make a resolution.
Posted by tpot at 7:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
We had a wonderful time seeing everyone, and the kids had a great time playing games and playing at Ge-ma's. They also had a great time playing at Granny's. Unfortunately the weather wasn't as good there, so they stayed inside more. But they did have a great time playing games with Granny. Thanks to everyone for making the holidays as memorable as they were!
I thoroughly enjoyed spending a little time with Hayden and Grant. Those boys are so cute. My favorite expression is Grant giving Hayden the evil eye. It's like he's saying, "Back off, Buddy, I was here first!" I think he'll change his tune once they get to race through Ge-ma's on the peanut scooters. Mom, are you sure you really want one more of those?
My all-time favorite memory was the lovely time Micah and I had in Austin. Staying at the Hyatt was quite a treat that he has always wanted to enjoy. We enjoyed two gourmet meals at the SWB restaurant. With a lit up view of downtown Austin and Town Lake and waiters with French accents, we had quite a grand time! We also enjoyed a jog around Town Lake, a show with the famous Rockettes, and the movie "Marley and Me". Whew. I'm in shock coming back home to all the chores and laundry.
So, here's to another wonderful year!
Posted by tpot at 10:19 AM 2 comments