Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today was the first day back at co-op...

I am so tired. I only taught one class. I only THOUGHT about ONE class. Instead of FIVE. Yeah, that said FIVE, and "no" I did not get paid to think about FIVE. It is a free co-op. But until now it has not been a co-op, truly. One of the other art teachers took over my 2nd art classes, and I gave up the other one that I co-taught. And, I asked for all the teachers to be completely responsible for all their art supplies, room set-up, and clean-up. And then, today I felt guilty. What is wrong with me? I must have some serious hang-ups.

I was going crazy fielding questions and writing lesson plans for FIVE different classes. I am capitalizing that to remind myself of the absurdity of my hang-up. That is FIVE different preps, grades K-9th grade. What was wrong with me? No wonder everyone loves our co-op so much; they could drop their kids off with minimal work. We did it all for them. The science teachers, the art teachers, the drama teachers. The FIVE of us did everything. They may have had to help in a class or two and even lead a class. But we prepared the lessons, the scope and sequence, and the syllabus. We figured out all the supplies. I think I'll drop my kid off there, too. Where can I find one?

So, today I could tell a few people were miffed that they had to work a little harder. And I felt guilty. But you know, oh well. I about crashed and burned last semester. It's time for someone else to crash and maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe they should just really count the cost of a good co-op and realize it's not all tap dancing. It's a lot of dad gum work. And I'm not doing it all anymore.

It was so lovely. I could think clearly. I could answer questions in a logical fashion. I was on time, and I brought all my supplies. I even remembered the drying rack that had been in my garage for months that we had paid $140 for. Wow. It's amazing what an uncluttered mind can accomplish. Praise the Lord for change. I really needed it.